The Mission 1.5 Summit for Anglophone Africa, which held at Lusaka Zambia from September 21-24, 2024 is a call to nurturing a culture of growth of Lionism in all Lions of the World. The growth in membership, which the campaign targets to cap at 1.5m by 2027 will naturally translate to better services to the communities that “We Serve” . It therefore requires the collective, collaborative and deliberate actions of all of us as Lions, to get involved in the Mission to Grow our membership and services. Growing our membership is essential for the Lions Club to continue thriving. Membership is the lifeblood of the organization, ensuring its ability to serve and meet community needs for years to come.
The Multiple District 404 Nigeria Coordinator of Global Extension Team PDG Chief Dupe Dada PMJF, NLCF and her counterpart for Global Membership Team PDG Kayode Oshinuga PMJF, NLCF has encouraged Lions of MD 404 to take up the membership challenge reminding all that as the home Multiple District of the International Director for Africa, we cannot afford to lag behind in ensuring the success of the program across all the sub-districts of the Multiple District. They therefore covet the cooperation of all Lions with that of the District Governors and District Coordinators as they unveil various strategies to attain the set goals and drive MD404 to success so that we can continue to serve our communities better and retain our preeminent status in Africa.
As we embrace the Mission 1.5 challenge which is the drive to reach 1.5 million members worldwide so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before, it is important to note that every Lion has an
important part to play. Together, we can grow Lions Clubs to extraordinary new heights, serving an untold number of people in need. This we can do by inviting new members to join the fold and by chartering new clubs.
important part to play. Together, we can grow Lions Clubs to extraordinary new heights, serving an untold number of people in need. This we can do by inviting new members to join the fold and by chartering new clubs.
It is worthy to mention that the District Governor of Lions District 404B2 Nigeria; Lion Tolulope Senbanjo PMJF NLCF facilitated a fantastic session on how to use the Lions Portal for reporting and accessing various reports. The International Director who is the number one Lion in Africa; Lion Bridget Temitope Tychus PMJF NLCF also facilitated a beautiful session that was educating and enlightening. Notable attendees at the summit includes Global Extension Team coordinators, Global Membership Team coordinators, District Governors, Multiple District Global Extension Team coordinator, Multiple District Global Membership Team coordinators, Multiple Council Chairpersons, the amazing and intellectual International Director; amongst others top Lions in CA 8 Africa.
A similar summit for the francophone countries is scheduled to hold in Abidjan from the 27th to 30th of September, 2024. It promises to be exciting and informative as well.